If you have not yet created a water balance, you can do so by clicking on the water balance tile on your Home screen.
Access my water balance
To manage your water balance:
Click on Agronomy from your navigation bar
Select Irrigation
Click on the crop you wish to monitor
Irrigation management
Add an irrigation
You can declare in the application that you have or will be irrigating. This will help you monitor your crop's Readily Available Water (RAW) and avoid unwanted hydric stress.
Classic irrigation
Click on Add an irrigation
Enter the date of your irrigation (in the past, present, or future)
Enter the amount of water added during your irrigation
Your water balance will be updated immediately.
Using a drip system
If you are using a drip system to irrigate, you can add it by clicking on Add an irrigation and selecting Drip.
💡 Easily or hardly usable reserve?
The green zone 🟩 is the reserve that can be easily used by your crop, which means that it can extract water from the soil without reducing its transpiration activity.
The yellow zone 🟨 corresponds to the reserve that is difficult to use by your crop and can lead to hydric stress.
Modify or delete an irrigation
If you have made a mistake and wish to delete an irrigation:
Scroll down to the Irrigation history at the bottom of your screen
Click on the pen next to the irrigation you wish to modify and edit the amount of water or the date of your irrigation
If you wish to delete an irrigation click on the bin next to its date.
Soil type management
Modify my soil type
If you made a mistake when creating your water balance and you want to change the soil type you entered:
Scroll to the bottom of your screen
Click on Edit my soil type
Enter the values to be corrected
The proportions will update immediately and your water balance will update instantly.
Add your Total available water
If you already know your Total Available Water (TAW), you can directly enter it into the app.
⚠️ Note that this will deactivate the soil type and it won't be taken into account.
Growing stage management
You can easily monitor the growing stages of your crops via your irrigation module.
To add or modify a growing stage, you just need to
1. Scroll down
2. Click on Add a new stage.
Water balance management
Calibrate my water balance
By default, your soil is considered at field capacity on January, 1st.
If you observed a different value or know your Total available water at a precise date, you can modify it manually.
To do so:
1. Scroll to the bottom of your screen
2. Click on Calibrate my irrigation
3. Enter the values to be corrected
Delete my water balance
If you no longer need your water balance on a particular crop, you can delete it.
Select the three little dots at the top of your screen
Click on Delete my water balance
⚠️ If you delete your water balance, all associated data (irrigation, soil type) will also be deleted.
Click Confirm
Removing the water balance will not remove a crop.
To manage your crop see the article below.👇