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How and why create an alert?
How and why create an alert?

Create an alert to protect your crops and be notified at the best possible time

Updated over a year ago

Alerts enable farmers to receive timely notifications about potential threats such as frost risks and disease outbreaks. This will allow you to respond promptly, mitigating potential damage to your crops.

You can either use pre-set alerts or customize your alerts.

Pre-set alerts

We have provided you with two alert templates in the application: a frost risk 🥶 alert template and a spraying alert 🚿.

To add it, you just have to

  1. Select Alerts from your Menu

  2. Select the type of pre-set alert of your choice (frost risk or spraying)

  3. Select the station on which you want the alert to be triggered.

💡You can add the predefined alert and then modify the trigger criteria by clicking on the three small vertical dots and then Edit this alert.

Sencrop - Create frost or spraying alert

🚨 If you choose to receive a text message, make sure you enter a valid mobile number.

Customize your alert

  1. Select Alerts from your Menu

  2. Select Create a custom alert

  3. Select the station(s) on which you wish to create an alert from your list
    (or by searching using the search bar)

  4. Click on Select X stations at the bottom of your screen

  5. Select a condition necessary to trigger the alert.
    💡 You can choose additional conditions by clicking on Add a new condition.

  6. Name the alert and select the different means of communication (SMS, Email, Phone call, In-app notification) by which you wish to be notified.

💡To select Notification you must create your alert from a cell phone on which you have authorized Sencrop notifications from the device settings.

🚨 If you choose to receive a text message, make sure you enter a valid mobile number.

Sencrop - Custom alert

⚠️ If you add more than one condition, all of these conditions must be met at the same time during the specified period.
➡️ My alert doesn't go off

⚙️ Advanced settings

You can activate the alert for specific periods by selecting Custom Range.

Set the reminder and automatic reactivation of the alert.

Edit alerts

To edit an alert

  1. Click on the three small vertical dots of the alert of your choice

  2. Review the criteria you wish to modify

Sencrop - Edit alert

Manage alerts

Activate/deactivate alerts

You will be able to deactivate or reactivate an alert from one season to another by clicking on the slider button in your alert table. This way, you keep the settings in the application even after the harvest.

Delete an alert

To delete an alert

  1. Click on the three small vertical dots of the alert you wish to delete

  2. Select Delete this alert

🚨If you delete your alert you won't be able to activate it again.
If you wish to keep the alert settings in the application for next season, simply deactivate it.

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